Sunday 31 July 2016

Can salt water prevent pregnancy? – best birth control methods before and after sex

Are there sure methods of preventing an unwanted pregnancy? 

Find out now and pick the ones that work the best for you.

Many girls get horrified by the thought of having an unwanted pregnancy after unprotected sex. There is the common idea that drinking a glass of salty water afterwards can prevent pregnancy. Let us see if there is any truth in it.

Does salt water prevent pregnancy?

The truth is that no drinking of salty water, neither douching with it can help you to avoid getting pregnant. Still douching may have some positive effects, as it mechanically washes out the sperm. However, it should be done during the first few minutes after sex, while sperm stays thick for few moments. Once it gets thin, it starts heading for the goal with a high speed. Female hormones in your own body activate the sperm cells and make them move faster. Actually it develops the speed of 45 kilometers per hour. So, yes, it is fast and if you wish to use douching, use it right after the sex.
Now, why there are no positive effects of salt and water after sex? Well, just because our body cells have special prevention strategy for coping with too much salt. They simply do not let it into the cells for a while and fight it. So, drinking few glasses of salty water would not do the trick of preventing the unwanted pregnancy.
Instead it can evoke certain health problems. If you overdo with the salt in water, you risk getting dehydration. Your body needs more water to get rid of the consumed salt than what you drink with it. In the hot climate like Nigeria such a thing can lead to dehydration, headache, skin problems and even death in extreme situations.
Ways to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex

Emergency contraception:

It’s time to use emergency contraception. Mostly these are the pills you take after the unplanned event to prevent the undesirable conception. They are also called the “morning after pills”. These pills can be taken right after the sex or during the upcoming 5 days. They do not produce 100 percent guarantee for not conceiving the child. However, they lower the risks.
These pills are not abortion pills, as they do not contain mifepristone. This chemical evokes abortion, which according to the Bible is murder. However the next morning pills contain high doses of hormone, which lessens the chances of an egg getting fertilized with sperm.
You may not know, but the conception does not take place right after the sex. The sperm can stay in the womb for up to 5 days. Basically, you can get impregnated few days after the sex. This is an important piece of information for all ladies. If you take the hormone pills, you can stop ovulation and prevent pregnancy.
As it was mentioned, abortion pills are different and they are not an option. So, when you shop for such pills, read the instruction carefully.


You might have heard about this one. It is a mechanical method used to wash away and remove sperm out of your vagina. You should use clean water or chamomile solution for this purpose. However, be aware that douching increases the risks of developing vaginal infections after unprotected sex.

Contraceptive Sponge:

This is a small sponge which contains spermicide. This liquid kills sperm preventing it from fertilizing the egg. Keep in mind that it can evoke allergic reaction and irritation in your private parts.
How to prevent pregnancy – best contraception methods
As you may see, ways to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex are not many. Drinking salt and water is not one of them. Some people report they have used it and it worked just fine. Most likely, those are just lucky girls and that is it. Do not rely on such “remedies”.
Now, we live in the modern world. There is nothing wrong with the desire of women to get protected and do birth control. Even the Bible does not say anything against non-abortive birth control methods. So, why not benefit from them? Just remember that none of them provides 100% guarantee! The only real way to avoid pregnancy.
Guys seem to get comfortable with the idea of having a condom in their pocket or bag just in case. However, most girls are ashamed of having one. Nigeria is the country with high level of HIV, AIDS, syphilis and other STDs (sexually transmitted diseases). So the undesirable pregnancy might turn out to be the least of your problems after the unprotected sex.
So, the best way to stay well is to avoid it all together. Stay in purity or mate with your husband. Still, if that is not the case, get armed with a condom. Stop by a shop and get few just in case. Carry them around in your purse and do not be ashamed of it. You are the one responsible for your own health and wellbeing.

IMPORTANT FACT: Effectiveness of male condom is around 82 percent.Femadons
What the heck are these? These are the female condoms. They differ much from the traditional kind and require special skills to install them. You can find more information here: How to use female condom – 10 easy steps for Nigerian ladies.

IMPORTANT FACT: Effectiveness of female condom is around 79 percent.
PS: Keep in mind that both condoms and femadons also protect you from STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), AIDS and other infections, while the rest of the contraceptives have only the birth control function!


It is a special small devices used to prevent sperm getting into cervix. It is flexible and can be coupled by spermicide to boost its efficacy. Just apply the spermicide cream right before the use of it. The huge downside of such a thing is its high price. It may cost around 80 US dollars and is prescribed and sold by doctors.

IMPORTANT FACT: Effectiveness of female condom is around 88 percent.
Non abortive contraception pills
Remember that these should be taken regularly. Most of the contain hormones and they should be prescribed by your doctor. Pick them carefully. Most such drugs have significant side effects.

IMPORTANT FACT: Effectiveness of female condom is around 91 percent depending on brand and type.

Cervical Cap:

This cup is inserted before sex to prevent sperm from getting inside and getting you impregnated. It is an affordable and rather effective type of birth control options.

IMPORTANT FACT: Effectiveness of female condom is around 80 percent.
Now you have a list of possible options and know what to do after the unprotected sex to prevent undesirable pregnancy or how to get protected using various means. Share this with your friends to help them out


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